Yee King Tong Chinese Cemetery

Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States


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Lisää tietoja hautausmaalle Yee King Tong Chinese Cemetery

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Also in the Pauoa cluster, across Awaioulimu road from Uluhaimalama, this cemetery consists mostly Chinese gravesites. The hill slopes up towards punchbowl crater and there is a grass and dirt path that leads up the middle. Just about all the markers here have Chinese Calligraphy engraved and some have them embossed in gold. Towards the back of the hill appears to be more traditional family markers built like altars. These types of markers are seemingly older, resembling a little house-like structure as a marker, like those in traditional China. Several of them are painted red like firecrackers, as you can see the more age in some of the markers by the extent of which the paint has faded from a bright red to a dull pink. Some of the dates on markers include those from the 1940s and 1950s. Growing in the middle of the cemetery along the road are large guava trees, and monkey pod trees. No visible plumerias, but there is one grave with a jabong fruit tree growing out of a grave. Toward the Diamond Head side of the cemetery are more single graves, in almost staggered, unorganized rows. Many of these markers have with no dates, hand written. Some of the markers with dates are from the 1920s, some buried under the ground, while others older graves seem to be marked with just rocks. Almost all the names are written in Chinese, so it is assumed that this cemetery is mostly Chinese, however the ethnicity of those buried cannot be for sure. Some of the graves seem to be well tended, with flowers and incense, but it is more towards the newer graves.-
Yee King Tong Chinese Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States