Uluhaimalama Cemetery

Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States


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Also known as Halawale Cemetery. A very small cemetery plot clustered with the rest of the cemeteries along the hill in Pauoa valley across a stream on the side of Punchbowl crater. This cemetery is dedicated to Queen Lilioukalani with a stone and bronze marker in the center of the plot as a centennial dedicated in 1994. In Hawaiian, there is a dedication: “God’s Word is a Kukui/A Light for Your Government O Heavenly One/Your Light Burning at Noonday/The Light of Iwikauikaua/Ancestor of Lilioukalani the sacred one/Queen of the Hawaiian Islands.” According to the caretaker of the cemetery, it has been known as “the queen’s garden”, understandably from the dedication from the Queen. The impression is that this plot has been specifically designated for Hawaiian burial, yet the names on the tombstones suggest that there are not too many full-blooded Hawaiians here. The majority of the graves are Hawaiian and part-Hawaiians, although there is a significant number of Chinese-Hawaiians, Japanese-Hawaiians, and Haole-Hawaiians, along with several graves without engraved headstones. There are also several graves with plumeria trees growing from them. In accordance to phrases on the commemorative stone, there are two kukui nut trees at the head and foot of the cemetery plot, as well as a few Ti plants along the sides of the cemetery. http://webomatica.com/kaulapi/random/three/am-studies-418/honolulus-cemeteries-hawaiis-multiculturalism-etched-in-stone
Uluhaimalama Cemetery, Created by Russell808, Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States