Honolulu Memorial

Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States


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Also known as Courts of the Missing. The Honolulu Memorial is located within the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in an extinct volcano near the center of Honolulu, Hawaii. On either side of the grand stairs leading to the memorial are eight courts of the missing on which are inscribed the names of the 18,095 American World War II missing from the Pacific, excluding those from the southwest Pacific, and 8,210 American missing from the Korean War. These names were listed on the Korean War Courts of the Missing at the time of the dedication in 1966. Two half courts have been added at the foot of the staircase that contain the names of 2,504 Americans missing from the Vietnam War. At the top of the stairs is a chapel flanked by galleries containing mosaic maps and descriptions of the achievements of the American armed forces in the central and south Pacific regions and in Korea. The memorial was established by ABMC to honor the sacrifices and achievements of American armed forces in the Pacific during World War II and the Korean War. The memorial grew in 1980 to include the missing of the Vietnam War, and it expanded further in 2012 with the addition of two new pavilions. One pavilion houses an orientation map of the memorial and the other includes two mosaic battle maps depicting the Vietnam War. The Department of Veterans Affairs administers the cemetery. Inquiries concerning graves within the cemetery should be addressed to the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. Dedicated: 1966 Missing in Action: 28809
Honolulu Memorial, Created by mormonbuddhist, Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States