St. Agnes RC Cemetery

Forest City, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, United States


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Forest City once a Protestant stronghold named Pentecostal, became overwhelmingly Roman Catholic at the turn of the 20th century. Of the two Protestant churches, only Christ Episcopal Church on Dundaff across from Sacred Heart remains: Centennial Methodist Church down the block from both, is now the Historical Society As the Roman Catholich populatiion grew five churches were built each ethnically based and actively attended but it was St. Agnes, built in 1888 and dedicated on September 18, 1892, that had greatest mix because it was the first and so everyone attended originally there. It also has the best spots in the Cemetery -- on the hill, al lthe other parishes are either near the state highway or in the valley. When St. Agnes, true to its name, (St. Agnes the younger sister of St. and Clare of Assisi, and foundress of Little Sisters of Clare, was martryed in flames) was destroyed by fire December 27, 1917 the other four parishes flourished each dominated by a regional European ethnicity St. Anthony's Lithuanians and Northern Slavs, St. Michael's SouthEastern Slavs of Slovakians and Czechs; St. Joseph's SouthWestern Slavs of Slovenians and Yugoslavs; and Sacred Heart was what was to become the dominant ethnicity of the region: Polish. Currently,St. Joseph on Delaware Street, Sacred Heart on Dundaff Street, and St. John's Byzantine Catholic (formerly an Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Rite Church converted to Byzantine RC Rite in 1950) on Maxey Street are the active Catholic Churches.
St. Agnes RC Cemetery, Created by tville, Forest City, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, United States