New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery

Boscawen, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States


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Kuvaus On July 1, 1997, The New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery was legislatively established. The facility was funded jointly by the state and federal governments. The 104 acres of land was previously used as a state forest in the town of Boscawen, New Hampshire. Phase I construction, partially completed in November of 1997, involved nine of the 104 acres of land. A carillon system and landscaping were donated by various veterans organizations. On August 15, 2003, final Phase I construction was completed with federal funds. A memorial brick walkway and history walkway were constructed through the generosity of many individuals, local businesses and veterans organizations. The current cemetery development of 14 acres provides adequate burial sites for years to come. The master plan has 6 additional phases for future expansion. With future expansion, the cemetery has enough acreage to expand and accommodate veterans and their eligible dependents for many years to come. The New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery was the first state cemetery east of the Mississippi River to allow the interment of nonresident veterans. The State of New Hampshire is proud and honored to provide this dignified resting-place for all veterans and their eligible dependents. US Navy veteran CWO2 Ernest Holm, WWI and WWII, was the first interment at the cemetery on November 18, 1997. On the same day, his spouse Hilda was also interred.
New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery, Created by Hudson4866, Boscawen, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States