Moss Spring Cemetery

Greencastle, Franklin, Pennsylvania, United States


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Moss Spring Cemetery, tucked away off East Grant Street, behind Greencastle’s water treatment plant, was once home to the grave of Col. John Allison, one of the town’s founding fathers. and is owned by the Greencastle Presbyterian Church. The founders of the church, the Ulster Scots, established a church at Moss Spring in about 1738. They used the church until the early 1800s, when they moved to a new location on East Baltimore Street. Moss Spring Cemetery is the final resting place of at least 167 of the borough’s one-time residents. Thomas Bleckly is believed to have been the first to be buried in the cemetery. He died in 1775 at the age of 18. The last person was buried there in 1888. The original records of those who were buried at Moss Spring were destroyed in an 1860 church fire and local historian Susan Snively completed a list of those interred there sometime in the early 1930s. The last person was buried there in 1888. Some of the most common names on headstones are: Allison, Crooks, Davison, Eachus, Kennedy, Martin, McClellan, McCulloh, Mitchell, Robison and Watson.
Moss Spring Cemetery, Created by AYoung, Greencastle, Franklin, Pennsylvania, United States