Homewood Cemetery

Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States


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The Homewood Cemetery is part of the American Cemetery Movement of the 1800s. To understand the history of Homewood, a little background is necessary. Founded in 1878, The Homewood Cemetery is part of the American Cemetery Movement of the 1800’s. Graveyards, churchyards, and family burial grounds were the first types of burial sites created by European settlers in America. By the 1820’s, American towns were turning into cities. People were leaving farm life for the opportunity to work at the first factories of the industrial revolution. It wasn’t long before demands for both living and burial space became acute. By this time, the extensive estate of Judge William Wilkins had become available for purchase. The Cemetery Association purchased 178 acres of this land with the intent of implementing a Lawn Park style cemetery, a merger of landscape design and a system of rules and regulations. At the time of the Cemetery’s founding, the East End was already home to some of Pittsburgh’s most wealthy and influential families – as well as the many people who worked for these families. The non-profit, non-denominational mission of the cemetery ensured both populations were served by the new burial ground.
Homewood Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States