Elmwood Cemetery and Mausoleum

River Grove, Cook, Illinois, United States


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Elmwood Cemetery sits on land which was originally a Union Army Post, and housed barracks for soldiers during the Civil War in the United States. Memorials, in sections four and 41, pay tribute to the sacrifice Chicago-area men made during the Civil War, from 1861 to 1865. Erected in 1903 by the U.S.Grant Post-28 of the Grand Army of the Republic, the memorial is inscribed with the names of the 48 Civil War battles in which post members fought. A statue of a Union Army flag bearer stands atop the memorial. It is flanked on each side by a figure of a representative of the Union Forces: Calvary, Infantry, Artillery and Navy. A total of over 200 Civil War veterans are buried near the monument. The Washington Post monument sits across the drive in section 41, and also honors soldiers who fought for our country. Just outside the cemetery is the River Grove train depot which was constructed in 1887, making it possible for those in the city to visit what was then farm land and country. Nine years later in 1896, the land was made into a cemetery, and was simply named Elmwood Cemetery, after the five Elm Groves in the area. Elmwood Cemetery has served families of all faiths and nationalities for over 121 years. At first, families of German, Norwegian, Irish, English, Chinese, Korean, Slovakian and Bohemian decent. Elmwood Cemetery has also been a preferred cemetery for over 90 years, for many generations of families of the Eastern and Greek Orthodox faiths. Nationalities such as Greek, Assyrian, Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian and also Serbian. Many of the monuments reflect the nationality of the deceased, and therefore please respect them and the rules of BG, by keeping the original language when transcribing headstones.
Elmwood Cemetery and Mausoleum , Created by BillionGraves, River Grove, Cook, Illinois, United States