Calvary Cemetery

Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, United States


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Calvary Cemetery, located in Sioux City, Iowa has provided a final resting place for many Christian believers since its beginnings nearly 100 years ago. Christ promised us life eternal if we would only follow him. We dedicate our prayers to all who are buried within these sacred grounds. Nestled in the Loess Hills on the northern side of town, Calvary cemetery provides peace, comfort and tranquility. We are honored to work with those who have chosen our services and strive to provide quality care that exceeds expectations. When we die, the Church intercedes on our behalf because of it’s belief that death is not the end nor does it break the bonds formed in life. The Catholic cemetery is a sacred, holy place, and a final resting place in the Order of Christian Funerals for those who have died. In our corporal work of mercy, we are dedicated to reverent care of the bodies of those who have died, who, even in death remain part of the Catholic Church. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
Calvary Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, United States