Beulah Presbyterian Church Cemetery

Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States


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NOTE: The cemetery site link was provided by the Beulah Presbyterian Church website. The chapel at the front of the cemetery has an historic marker. The Historic Marker DB has this information on it: Here is a copy of the inscription text: This historic chapel, a landmark in the Pittsburgh area since 1837, is the third building occupied by the congregation of the Beulah Presbyterian Church, which was organized in 1784. Preceeded by two log buildings, the chapel is built of bricks made on the grounds, and is located on the site once occupied by General Forbes' British Army that drove the French from Fort Duquesne in 1758. Adjoining the chapel is the oldest cemetery in Allegheny County, containing more graves of Revolutionary War soldiers than any other cemetery in the county. Among the distinguished war dead buried here is General John Johnston, Secretary to General Washington throughout the Revolutionary War, and the first clerk of the Beulah session. The oldest known grave is that of James Bonner, a ten year old boy buried here in 1780.
Beulah Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Created by 3dngin, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States